Mile-High MFA
Taste of an MFA
Mile High MFA's Taste of an MFA Workshop Series: #1 - Hillary Leftwich, MA, MFA
Saturday, September 29, 9am - 4pm
Flash Fiction: Digging Deep for Raw Material And Polishing It into Gold
A full day workshop with Regis' Mile-High MFA graduate, powerhouse author and editor, Hillary Leftwich with a focus on creating and polishing flash fiction/short non-fiction pieces. If you've read Hillary's work, you'll get the meaning of "digging deep for raw material," and she's quickly gaining a reputation for helping others do the same. Check out her work at https://hillaryleftwich.com/
You should consider signing up if:
You've wondered what an intensive MFA craft class is like and want a great experience
Want to learn more about writing/editing flash and short non-fiction from a pro who's taken their education and experience and run with it
Write a lot on your own and want to learn how to generate ideas and edit your stuff for publication...or maybe an MFA application :)
Are already a fan of Ms. Leftwich's work and know she can help you take yours to the next level
Space is limited for a personalized experience--if you're interested don't drag your feet :
Please contact Deanna Rasch with any questions or registration concerns at drasch@regis.edu

Hillary Leftwich earned her MFA in fiction and poetry from the Mile High MFA at Regis University. She is the poetry and prose editor for Heavy Feather Review and curator/host for At the Inkwell Denver, a monthly reading series. In her day jobs she has worked as a private investigator, maid, repo agent, and pinup model. Currently she works as an advocate for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and trafficking. Her writing can be found in print and online in such journals as The Missouri Review, Hobart, SmokeLong Quarterly, Matter Press, Literary Orphans, Sundog Lit, NANO Fiction, Occulum, Jellyfish Review, and others. Her first book, Ghosts Are Just Strangers Who Know How to Knock, is forthcoming from Civil Coping Mechanisms in spring of 2019. She is a guest instructor in Kathy Fish's Fast Flash Fiction Workshop this fall.
Price: $100*
When, again?: Saturday, September 29, 9am - 4pm (an hour for lunch with the instructor on location - food available for purchase)
Location: Denver, CO, TBA upon registration
*Limited partial scholarships available - Thank you for contacting Deanna Rasch at drasch@regis.edu before registering if this is a need.