Short Takes
I am always reading as I look for great places to place my own work. It is challenging to keep up with all the great work that is out...
I am always reading as I look for great places to place my own work. It is challenging to keep up with all the great work that is out...
I have not entered many contests. They can be challenging as there are often many submissions for them. However, the rewards can be...
I spend a few hours every week looking through journals. As I mentioned before, it is a great way to expand my horizons. I am looking for...
Submitting work can be daunting: don’t let it be. See it as part of your writing practice. By perusing the many journals and websites...
Teaching w/ Rachel Weaver Colorado Writing School: Editing w/ Heidi Pitlor...
Literary Journals Reading Series
Horner -Elements of Moral Fiction Kramer-Discovery the Lyric Essay From Traditional to Experimental Maller-Tough Guy Talk Spurgeon-Form...
Here is a link to Eric Baus’s talk, “Poetic Correspondence: Examining the Epistolary Impulse,” presented as a Craft Seminar at the...
Did you know the Mile-High MFA Program at Regis University now offers a genre track in the Graphic Novel? Here’s an excellent article on...
Check out Mile-High MFA Faculty Mentor, Daniel Jose Older’s article on “Writing the Other.”
About the Project The Denver Poetry Map is a way to rethink and re-know the city. A map, generally speaking, imposes a system of...
Christine Sneed (Mile-High MFA Faculty Mentor in Fiction) will have a new short story collection, The Virginity of Famous Men, published...