I am always reading as I look for great places to place my own work. It is challenging to keep up with all the great work that is out there AND keep trying to create and post great work of my own (notice how I keep myself revved!!!) It is also really easy to go down multiple rabbit holes when I am reading and exploring the work of other artists. Sometimes I just give myself that permission to dive.
Here are a few interesting places I have found while diving that you could try and explore to see if your work might fit.
Columbia Journal
Regular submissions, online, nonfiction, poetry and art: Sept 1 through Oct 15.
No fee to submit.
Five Points Journal
General submissions: August 1 – December 1 and January 1 – May 30
Fiction, poetry, flash fiction and nonfiction and literary nonfiction
Apercus https://www.apercuslitmag.com/
Visual Art
Poetry Reviews
Essays (“using literature as a lens…)
Glass: A Journal of Poetry http://www.glass-poetry.com/
Poetry Reviews
briars lit
A “new anthology for queer fairy tales…” Sounds intriguing! They are looking for short fiction, Poetry, creative non-fiction or hybrid work.
Constellate Literary Journal https://constellatemagazine.com/2018/08/
Short Fiction
Photography and Art
Comic art, blog posts, scripts
rivulet http://www.rivulet.net/about/
This journal is interested in many different art forms. I suggest you check this out. It is an interesting journal.